From this landing page, there are two paths to choose from ...
Carino Canyon Discussion Forum and Bulletin Board
The Carino Canyon Discussion Group ... an online bulletin board for discussion of topics that are relevant to the Carino Canyon community in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Go to the
Discussion Forum
What You Will Find Here
- Links to emergency services, City of Scottsdale and other important links.
- Discussion group where you can communicate with others of similar interests. This discussion group was
created as there is not a non-commercial place for discussions about Carino Canyon.
- Categories and Forums devoted to topics such as:
- Services
- Items for sale or items wanted
- Lost and found
- Homeowner tips ... especially things relevant to our homes in Carino Canyon
- Local events discussion
- and more
- Details about Carino Canyon community.
- Feedback on activities occurring in Carino Canyon.
Your Account, Community Documents, Directory
AMCOR, Carino Canyon's management company, secure location for community account information and other relevant information for Carino Canyon.
What You Will Find There
AMCOR is the community management company for Carino Canyon. On their website you will find:
- Your account information where you can view / pay your assessment.
- Community documents such as CC&Rs, Architectural Change Request forms and other important documents.
- Community Directory.
- Financial documents and other legal filings.
- Community Newsletters.
Customer Support
If there are any problems with the web site or the community forum, please
contact the site admin (see below)
No Advertising
Neither this website nor the
Discussion Group will display advertising nor
disclose any user data. Only parties interested in Carino Canyon will be viewing any postings.